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Studying Tips


Updated: Aug 21, 2020

As the school year approaches many of you students feel motivated to work even harder in achieving high grades. That is why I decided to write a little guide as to some studying advice that has worked for me. Keep in mind, the way you study may be different from mine so experiment with what works for you.

Written by Julianne Jorda

1) Studying Platform

One of the most important parts of studying is determining how you will study. There are several different methods and mediums to approach your studying like whether to write or type notes. Personally I prefer writing my notes by hand as studies claim that writing by hand, you memorize the material faster and better. Another suggestion to keep in mind if you want to write notes and incorporate different digital features is investing into a tablet. Having a tablet is perfect for the writing aspect but does save time if you want to insert visual refer

2) Resources

One of the major keys in studying is one’s ability to utilize outside resources like textbooks, videos, making quizlets and whatnot. It’s very important to take advantage of the internet through watching Khan Academy videos or a quick Youtube video whenever you are confused about a certain topic. By doing a quick google search about your topic, you’re very likely to find a video that will explain it clearly and prepare yourself for doing the work. Keep in mind, the more practice and exposure you get on a certain topic, the better equipped you are for any upcoming tests!

3) Distractions

This is a big deal as one’s ability to focus drastically lowers whenever distractions are present. That is why it’s important to set up a distraction free environment and dedicated time towards studying. With this being said, it’s important to keep track of your time management as you may find distractions like social media and video games consume up time dedicated for studying. Personally, what I’ve done to counteract this is using a Google Chrome extension like DF Tube or Stay Focused to block my access to certain sites.


Thanks for reading this article so far, I hope it was somewhat helpful for you. It’s extremely important that as this school year approaches to take care of yourself and not be too hard on yourself. As ironic as it sounds, grades only matter to an extent and does not measure your self worth. With that being said, remember to work smarter not harder.




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