The break is coming to end and as we begin to wave goodbye to these beautiful, relaxing days, it is important we slowly get back into gear and prepare ourselves for next semester. Starting the semester off on the right foot can make all the difference. After all, as John Wooden once said, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”.
But wait - how exactly do you prepare for the semester? Listed below are a few tips to help you answer this question.
Written by Khadija Farooq
This might be the time when you need to sit down and reflect. What worked well in previous semesters and what would you have changed to make them more successful? If a particular study strategy didn’t work too well, maybe plan to try something different in the coming semester. For example, last semester, I realized the importance of using different study strategies for different courses, rather than having a copycat schedule for each course. For a course more reliant on memorization, making flashcards for each lesson could go a long way.
To make the best of your reflection on your strengths and areas of improvement, you might want to formulate Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relealistic, and Timely goals. This way, you will have a tangible action plan. Make sure to write down these goals in a place you consistently come across. This can be on the face of notebooks and binders or even on a wall above your study desk.
Buying/Renting Textbooks
Many courses require textbooks and you might need them to complete your early assignments, so it’s important to avoid getting them at the last minute - especially with the delays that the pandemic can cause.
Start Filling in Your Planner
Unless you have superb memory and don’t get stressed out by a hectic schedule and due dates, you NEED a planner. Not only does it prevent you from forgetting deadlines, it pushes you to plan and start ahead. Planners also put things in perspective, which goes a long way when stress is concerned. Why wait for the semester to start? If you already know when certain events and commitments are scheduled, write them down in your planner. When school starts, just update the planner as you go along. It might also be a fun idea to personalize the planner with colours and stickers.
Planning a Routine
Most of us are heading back into a virtual semester again and yes, you may still be studying from home but that doesn’t mean you can’t set a routine for yourself. Try what works for you and don’t forget to incorporate some physical activity (e.g. a walk, yoga, virtual workout session) and a good sleep schedule.
Getting Your Study Space and Supplies in Shape
My high school teachers always said, “you can’t go into a battle without your weapons.” This idea can be applied to a new semester as well. Don’t forget to revamp your school supplies and make sure your electronic devices and wifi are working smoothly.
At the end of the day, there is no single right answer to how one should prepare. You wouldn’t prepare for a snowstorm the same as you would for a sandstorm, and similarly, you may need to prepare differently depending on your circumstances and courses. Take the points covered in this article as something more general, a template for your preparation plans.
Preparation is a choice you make for yourself. Will you make that choice this semester?